The Ozone layer is healing! It has been 32 years since the famous Montreal Protocol that pointed out the culprit behind the depletion of the Ozone layer. On World Ozone Day, the United Nations is letting everyone know that the precautions are paying off. What was the Montreal Protocol? It is nothing but an international treaty made in 1987 wherein nations came together to slash the usage of Ozone-depleting chemicals. Most of these chemicals formed a part of the cooling industry. In a statement, the UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, said in regards to the healing Ozone layer, ‘The Montreal Protocol has been such a success because of unanimous global support.
I commend the 81 nations that have ratified the Kigali Amendment and encourage all others to follow suit.’ On the occasion of World Ozone Day 2019, he added, ‘A healthy ozone layer and climate are essential to meeting all of the Sustainable Development Goals. The Montreal Protocol continues to protect people and the planet alike. Let this International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer be an inspiration towards greater ambition on cooling, at the Climate Action Summit and beyond.’
But earlier this year, a study concluded, ‘We find that, even though upper stratospheric ozone is recovering, the continuing downward trend in the lower stratosphere prevails, resulting in a downward trend in stratospheric column ozone between 60° S and 60° N.’ We have come a long way since the Montreal Protocol. The ozone layer in the upper stratosphere is healing.
But the reason why the lower stratospheric ozone is still depleting is unknown. This shows that our knowledge about what is affecting the Ozone layer is still limited Ozone layer may be healing but it still needs more time. On the occasion of World Ozone Day 2019, many prominent celebrities and organizations took to Twitter.
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