Author: News Desk

China: A senior Chinese health official said “it is impossible for us to accept such an origin-tracing plan,” China does not accept the World Health Organization’s plan for the second phase of a study into the origins of Covid-19, At a press conference held to address the Covid origins issue, Zeng Yixin, the vice minister of the National Health Commission, said he was “rather taken aback” by the call for a further probe into the pandemic’s origins and, specifically, the theory that the virus might have leaked from a Chinese lab. He dismissed the lab leak theory as a rumor that runs counter to common sense and…

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Tokyo: Kentaro Kobayashi was fired “after a joke he had made in the past about a painful historical event was brought to light,” the organizing committee said in a statement on the eve of the Games. Kentaro Kobayashi was ousted just a day before the pandemic-delayed Games were set to officially kick off Friday with an elaborate ceremony he helped create, the latest in a long list of setbacks to hit the event. Hashimoto said, “We found out that Mr. Kobayashi, in his own performance, has used a phrase ridiculing a historical tragedy,”  “We deeply apologize for causing such a development the day before the opening…

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Nigeria: Police authorities in Nigeria’s northwestern Zamfara State said, around 100 women and children abducted in early June by gunmen known locally as “bandits” have been rescued, Zamfara police spokesman said that the victims — most of whom are nursing mothers — were released on Monday after being held by their captors for six weeks. He said their release was “unconditional” and no ransom was paid by the state.  He said, The victims were forcefully taken into captivity on June 8 by armed men who invaded Manawa Village, in Zamfara’s Mutunji District. “The released victims who were in the custody…

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Argentina: President of Argentina Alberto Fernandez announced a new National Identity Document (DNI) for nonbinary people on Wednesday. President said that The DNI’s aim is to guarantee the right to gender identity for people who don’t recognize themselves as either female or male,  At the press conference at the Casa Rosada Museum in Buenos Aires, Fernandez said”There are other identities besides man and woman that must be respected,”   The new document establishes the terminology “x” in the field of gender in amended DNI and passports. Fernandez said there are a thousand ways of loving and being loved and being happy. “What…

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Yakutsk in Russian Siberia is known as the world’s coldest city. In a place where even an exposed nose during the winter months can cause biting pain, people are accustomed to taking precautions against freezing temperatures, including spending extra time in the morning to dress in many layers. But now the city is blanketed in a haze as nearby wildfires tear through forests that have been parched by weeks of heatwaves. The fires are so big, and the winds are strong, smoke is traveling as far away as Alaska. In the US, the Bootleg wildfire in Oregon has grown into a monstrous complex with…

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China: At least 33 people have died and eight remain missing in central China, as authorities ramp up rescue and recovery efforts following devastating floods that submerged entire neighborhoods, trapped passengers in subway cars, caused landslides, and overwhelmed dams and rivers. Torrential rains have battered Henan province since last weekend, displacing hundreds of thousands of people and causing 1.22 billion yuan (about $190 million) of economic damage, Henan authorities said Thursday. Home to 99 million residents, Henan is one of China’s most populous and poorest provinces, with large swathes of farmlands and factories.

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The United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) today approved the recommendation issued by the UN NGOs’ Committee on May 21, 2021, on granting the Bahrain Public Relations Associations (BPRA) the “Consultative Status”. The decision is in line with the provisions of Article (71) of the UN Charter, which stipulates that “the Economic and Social Council may make suitable arrangements for consultation with non-governmental organizations which are concerned with matters within its competence.” The “Consultative Status” will allow the BPRA to participate in the meetings of ECOSOC and other UN agencies. BPRA shall also have the capacity to consult with…

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His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa sent a cable of congratulations to Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi on the Revolution Day. His Majesty the King wished him abundant health and happiness and further growth and prosperity to Egypt. He praised deep-rooted relations between the two brotherly countries and peoples and their perpetual growth at all levels.

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