Author: News Desk

The BDF Hospital continues to take all precautionary measures and preventive measures to reduce the spread of the coronavirus, as it has provided portable chambers for the isolation of suspected coronavirus cases, said Lt. Col. Dr. Manaf Al Qahtani, Member of the National Taskforce for Combating Coronavirus (COVID-19) in a press conference. ♦ Over 1,800 active coronavirus cases are asymptomatic The Military Hospital is one of the first hospitals in the Kingdom of Bahrain to install such equipment. “The BDF emergency department screens all patients by visual triage, identifying and quickly isolating suspected COVID-19 cases within the isolation chamber. The portable chambers are…

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1,814 of the active coronavirus cases do not have symptoms in Bahrain, said Dr. Waleed Al Manea, Undersecretary of the MOH in a press conference held by the National team to combat COVID-19. The asymptomatic cases have applied for optional home self-isolation. ♦ BDF Hospital continues to take all precautionary measures The capacity of the isolation and treatment centers are 8,357 beds, of which 2839 beds are occupied, equivalent to 34% of the capacity. The kingdom’s total cases have driven to 30,321 of which 25,570 have recovered, which means that over 84 percent of the confirmed cases have recovered from the virus. Currently, there are 4,653 active…

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Stranded Odias had a great sigh of relief as Air India issued the tickets for the second Vande Bharat Mission flight to Bhubaneswar, the temple city of India. Rasmi Ranjan Sia, a stranded migrant worker from Odisha had been unemployed in the Kingdom for the past four months. He was unable to return home on the first Vande Bharat Mission flight to Bhubaneswar as he had not received his final dues from his employer. “I have been stranded away from home for far too long. My colleagues and I were in despair until Dr. Arun Kumar Praharaj informed us about…

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Oman has registered nine deaths and 1,210 new cases of coronavirus, of which the majority of the case are from citizens by 939 and the rest 271 from foreigners, taking the total cases to 50,207. The death toll reached 233 after reporting the new deaths. ♦ Oman to launch nationwide COVID-19 survey from July 12 Meanwhile, 1,005 new recoveries were announced, bringing the total to 32,005. 3,987 tests were conducted in the past 24 hours, across the sultanate. So far the 221,181 COVID-19 tests have been conducted. Oman has decided to toughen penalties against COVID-19 violators. This may include publishing the names…

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Kuwait has reported 762 new coronavirus cases, of which 501 are citizens, taking the total confirmed cases in the country to 52,007, according to the Ministry of Health. 2 patients died of the coronavirus in the past 24 hours, bringing the total number of deaths to 379. Kuwait has the world’s 32nd highest number of coronavirus infections just below UAE. 593 new recoveries have been reported in the country, raising the total recoveries to 42,108. Kuwait has done 4,344 NP swab tests in the past 24 hours, as the country ramps up its efforts to test more people and detect cases early,…

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Bahrain has reported 500 new cases of coronavirus, among 303 expatriate workers, 191 new cases are contacts of active cases, and 6 are travel related, after conducting over 9,200 additional COVID-19 tests on Tuesday. The death toll stands at 98, as no new death was reported in the kingdom. Meanwhile, 392 additional recoveries from COVID-19 were reported. The total cases have driven to 30,321 of which 25,570 have recovered, which means that over 84 percent of the confirmed cases have recovered from the virus. Currently, there are 4,653 active cases. Also, there are 58 COVID-19 cases receiving treatment, of which 60 are…

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More than four dozen hospitals in Florida reported that their intensive care units (ICUs) have reached full capacity on Tuesday as COVID-19 cases surge in the state and throughout the country. Hospital ICUs were full at 54 hospitals across 25 of Florida’s 67 counties, according to data published on Tuesday morning by the state’s Agency for Health Care Administration. More than 300 hospitals were included in the report, but not all had adult ICUs. Thirty hospitals reported that their ICUs were more than 90% full. Statewide, only 17% of the total 6,010 adult ICU beds were available on Tuesday, down…

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The World Health Organization on Tuesday acknowledged “evidence emerging” of the airborne spread of the novel coronavirus, after a group of scientists urged the global body to update its guidance on how the respiratory disease passes between people. “We have been talking about the possibility of airborne transmission and aerosol transmission as one of the modes of transmission of COVID-19,” Maria Van Kerkhove, technical lead on the COVID-19 pandemic at the WHO, told a news briefing. The WHO has previously said the virus that causes the COVID-19 respiratory disease spreads primarily through small droplets expelled from the nose and mouth…

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