The government on Thursday said that the coronavirus growth in India has been more or less linear and not exponential due to the success of certain strategies and the country had fared much better than developed countries like the United States and the UK on this count, reported Hindustan Times.
Centre also noted that the country’s recovery rate of COVID cases has been rising steadily to reach close to 20% with 4,257 people out of total 21,393 infections have been cured so far including 388 who were cured yesterday.
An analysis of India’s containment strategy was presented during the daily briefing by the officials of health and home ministry, which was also attended by C. K Mishra.
The government officials pointed out another positive development seen in the addition of eight new names to the list of districts across the country that have not reported any new coronavirus case in the last 14 days. The list of such districts has now swelled to 78, said Lav Agarwal, joint secretary, health ministry.
He added that a total of 1409 additional positive coronavirus cases were reported in the last 24 hours taking the total number of active cases to 16,454.
He added that the government’s first strategic goal is to ensure that people don’t have to visit hospitals for treatment of coronavirus and it is achieved through social distancing, lockdown, and taking care of the elderly.
The government’s second goal, he said, is to create enough infrastructure and health facilities for every person who has to visit the hospital for COVID care.