Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi today interacted with Chief Ministers of states via video conferencing to discuss the emerging situation and plan ahead for tackling the COVID-19 pandemic. This was the fourth such interaction of the Prime Minister with the Chief Ministers.
Prime Minister underlined that the lockdown has yielded positive results as the country has managed to save thousands of lives in the past one and a half months. He added that India’s population is comparable to that of the combined population of several countries. The situation in many countries, including India, was almost similar at the start of March. However, due to timely measures, India has been able to protect many people.
He said that as per experts, the impact of coronavirus will remain visible in the coming months.
Prime Minister said that we have to give importance to the economy as well as continue the fight against COVID -19. He emphasized on the significance of ensuring that more people download the AarogyaSetu app to bolster the efforts of the country in the battle against COVID-19.
He highlighted the importance for states to enforce guidelines strictly in the hotspots that are the red zone areas. He stated that the efforts of the states should be directed towards converting the red zones into orange and thereafter to green zones.
On the issue of getting back Indians who are overseas, he said that this has to be done keeping in mind the fact that they don’t get inconvenienced and their families are not under any risk.
The leaders expressed gratitude towards the police force and medical staff for the exemplary work done by them in the fight against COVID-19.