Hundreds of people queued outside liquor stores in New Delhi on Monday as the Indian capital began easing some curbs after a 40-day lockdown against the coronavirus, while some offices resumed work with a few staff and traffic trickled into the streets, reported Reuters.
The nationwide lockdown, among the world’s strictest, is being relaxed in some areas with fewer infections, although it will stay until May 17, the government said last week. The measure was adopted on March 25 and extended twice.
Many government cars were among the traffic on Delhi’s boulevards on Monday, while police at checkpoints peered into cars to ensure there were no more than two occupants. Everyone wore masks.
By about 9.30 a.m., a line of more than 500 people had formed outside a liquor store in the capital’s eastern area of Kalyan Puri, before the shop was closed and police baton-charged the crowd to disperse it, a Reuters witness said.