India’s National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) asked the government on Sunday to extend a nationwide lockdown to curb the spread of coronavirus to May 31, as cases exceeded 90,000 and further clashes erupted between police and stranded migrants.
The NDMA, responsible for setting policy on the lockdown, made its request in a letter to India’s interior ministry, which is expected to issue detailed guidelines later on Sunday.
India has now reported more cases than China, where the virus first emerged late last year, although its number of deaths so far, at 2,872, is much lower than China’s 4,600. The death toll in the United States and some European countries is much higher, Reuters reported.
India’s current lockdown, introduced on March 25 and extended several times, is due to expire at midnight on Sunday. The curbs have sparked a crisis for the hundreds of millions of Indians who rely on daily wages to survive.
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