Union Science and Technology Minister Harsh Vardhan on Friday said the Kerala-based Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Science and Technology has developed a low-cost diagnostic test kit that can confirm COVID-19 in two hours.
The diagnostic test kit developed by the Thiruvananthapuram institute can detect coronavirus in 10 minutes, and the sample to result time will be less than two hours, Vardhan tweeted. A total of 30 samples can be tested in a single batch on a single machine, he said.
The confirmatory diagnostic test, which detects the N Gene of #SARS_COV_2 using reverse transcriptase loop-mediated amplification of viral nucleic acid, will be one of the world’s first few, if not the first of its kind in the world.@PMOIndia @WHO #IndiaFightsCorona #Covid_19
— Dr Harsh Vardhan (@drharshvardhan) April 17, 2020
The detection time is 10 minutes, and the sample to result in time (from RNA extraction in swab to RT-LAMP detection time)will be less than 2 hours.A total of 30 samples can be tested in a single batch in a single machine@PMOIndia @WHO #IndiaFightsCorona #Covid_19@MoHFW_INDIA
— Dr Harsh Vardhan (@drharshvardhan) April 17, 2020