Students from Bahrain School have participated in the DoDEA-Europe Model US Senate (MUSS) Virtual Conference.
MUSS is a learning structure that gives students a chance to engage in a role-playing simulation of the United States Congress.
Six students portrayed current US Senators and one portrayed Vice President Kamala Harris.
“With two returning senators (John Delamar – year four and Peter Sullivan – year two) and four new members, our school made a strong showing as these students researched, wrote, debated, and caucused for bills ranging from Border Wall Funding to Federal Police Reform to Keystone XL Pipeline Development, to name a few,” Social Studies Educator Brian A. Gunn said.
“In each case, our students pushed admirably as Democrat and Republican senators to adopt or block bills like these. Though the virtual/online nature of the conference takes away some of the opportunities for engagement, our kids did a great job driving the action forward. For the first time in our school’s history, we had a student, Sam McAraw, who portrayed the Vice President and led the two-day conference.”
McAraw is a four-year Model Senate participant and he was chosen by the European Conference Leadership Team to be the student-leader of this year’s Europe-wide activity.
“This was a great honor, and Sam did an amazing job! Of course, this conference could not have been a success without the help of our Tech Team, Pat Hodges and Eva Giles, and the support of the school,” Gunn said.