Kuching: State police are hunting down four secondary schoolboys, aged between 14 and 16, who allegedly participated in a gang assault on a schoolmate behind a hotel at Jalan McDougall here, on Friday. The incident came to light after one of the boys recorded the incident on a mobile phone and shared the footage with a relative. The 40-second video found its way online and quickly went viral on social media. According to the 14-year-old victim, he had been asked to meet two of the boys at the location, which is near their school, at around 8 am on Friday. After arriving at the location, the boy was accused of having stolen an e-cigarette belonging to one of the suspects. The assault began after he denied the allegation.
The video opens with one of the boys raining punches on the victim’s face, as well as a kick, as another boy holds him down. Six other boys are seen loitering in the area and teasing the victim, with one of them smoking what appears to be an e-cigarette. The victim sits passively on the ground throughout the incident. According to Kuching district police chief Assistant Commissioner Awang Din Awang Gani, the victim lodged a police report at 9 am today, after which police nabbed two of six suspects in the assault. He added that authorities are still on the hunt for the remaining four boys and that the case is being investigated under Section 148 of the Penal Code.
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